Young man, I need to warn you that there are two major masters that may show up on your path. One must be your master indeed and the other you must be master over. However, there are tendencies that there will be competition on your path between them. Well, God is one master and mammon is another. God is supposed to be the master over you. Master over your plans and master over your endeavors. But mammon can compete for that space. It can manifest as a great master if you permit it. Mammon sometimes referred to as money can really master your movement, your plans and all you want to be. You may be shaped by that thought of possessing more of it and forget God, your creator. You need to know that God has a great plan for you and he knows every detail movement that will birth it. God knows every moves you need to make to bring about your becoming. Mammon can really scheme your path. Mammon can dictate your friends and it is always delicate. Mammon can design your process in a new way if you obey it. If it orders your step, you may forget God and go against his will. If your decision is based on mammon by getting more if it, you will indeed have it but you may be far from living purposefully. It is essential you severe the place of God from the position of mammon. Money is essential for living but once it becomes your master, it turns mammon. Once it take the lead in your decision, you may be on your path out of purpose. Young man, beware. How much will I get? How much will come in and all are good questions to ask when you seek to take a new course. However, you must not allow them lead. Those questions must not be first. You may end in deep error and regret taking such decision. Does God what this move? Is he interested in it? How much of God will I see on such move? Will it take me deeper in God or chase me away from his secrete place? Are there warning signs not to go but mammon has strong voice to allow you follow through? Watch your steps young man. Beware you are not being mastered by mammon.  Let God be your master and learn about the master's life. You will rejoice because you will master mammon and control it. Judas Iscariot was mastered by mammon. He was an apostle that should stand out among millions. He was the treasurer of Jesus' ministry. He was in charge of money but mammon mastered him. When you can do wrong thing to get money, you are already being mastered. When you can kill for money, you are under your slave master. When you can make decision based on what to gain and not what God want, you may be in a fatal error. When friendship no longer matter cos of money, watch it. When family are useless because of money, the end is bad. When you take it as all you must live for, then you are extremely ready for a shipwreck. Judas lost his mantle cos of money. Mammon led him to hang himself. Mammon ended his calling and destroyed his design. Mammon ended all he was designed to be. Watch your step, so you don't end in such manner. Allow God to be your master and  you will be master over mammon. 

Reference: Matthew 6v24,  26v15  



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