
Showing posts from September, 2022


Young man, there is a lot on your table and it seems you may crumble soon if there is no calvary sent to you. Well, let me assure you that the one who owns your life is actively working and he won't fail you cos he has never lied about his plans and purpose for you. God's plan is solid and it will come to reality as you progress on your making process and fulfilment therein. Can God lie and fail? No. He is not a man that he should lie neither is he son of man that will repent of his words. Once has he spoken, twice have I heard that power belong to him. God has all the power in his hands. So, there is nothing he cannot do. What he cannot do can never come to existence. Reality check place you on doubt that it seems God is playing and lying to you. Your circumstances support the assertion. Your financial conditions are in agreement that God has been lying and will ultimately fail you. Your outlook is lean and its robustness is towards debt, sickness and challenges of life. Truth


Life on earth is enveloped in moment of discoveries because nothing is  really opened. Every precious and valuable things are mostly hidden. Golds, rubies and diamonds are found buried in the earth. There is a common saying that what you don’t discover cannot be recover because you discover to recover. Man was made from dust of the earth with the breath of God which is the very breath of life in him. He was not loaded with the breath of the dead. This means a man can possess the breath of death because what is not living is dead. There are treasures which were deposited into man the moment God breathe on him and he became a living being and God’s blessings was pronounced on him. The blessings of God are the pronouncement upon man unto greatness. When you permit your body to be the temple of God then He dwells in you and His treasures in you; for He is the treasure. When the breath of Life (Christ) is in a man, then the man becomes loaded with His treasures. Even the animals possess som


Well, it is always amazing to write you young man. I missed that but I trust that you are holding and moving on with the instructions left for you in previous doses of the process. Today, I have a simple message to pass across to you. Don't allow success get into your head nor failure dwell in your heart. Both sides are dangerous twins. It does not matter what you have accomplished hitherto, don't allow it get to your head. God want you to know that the glory of the later house will always surpass the former. There is not going to be a better yesterday for you. God has a scheme of making you shine brighter as your days goes by. You were designed to get better with your time here on earth till you change address. You must know that very early and keep pushing out the best of God for you. Don't relax on yesterday's success. No, its dangerous. Allowing success to enter your head could make you rest on your oak and that may leave you behind the mark of his high calling. You


Young man, quite sometimes. Hope you are faring well and your desire to be all that God designed for you has not changed? Well, in pursuit of that you must not forget you ultimate need. Your greatest need is not money, power or influence. Its not even human being. Those are vital compositions of your need to be what God want you to be. But they are not your ultimate need. Your greatest need is God. Your greatest need should be him always. You must center all your desire around him and all he has to give. He is essentially all that you need to get all other things. Truth be told, you may not feel that way. But in reality of your existence, God is your greatest need. You must not allow other need to overshadow your need of him. Let him not be an option on your need priority. Your need of him must be first. Joseph knew that God was his greatest need when he was in his making process. He knew he needed all of God to be all of his design. He could have placed a woman ahead of God. He could


It is wrong to claim that you are a self-made man. Young man, it is an aberration from truth because you are not in reality self-made. There is no one that is self-made. You are a combination of several efforts and packages from others. It is an illusion, young man and you must not fall for that cos it will reduce your effectiveness in life. It will limit how you can access all the helps that God packaged in men for you. The claim is egotistic and it destroys you from attaining your best. You are a combination of efforts. Parents, teachers,friends, colleagues and all around you have their inputs in what you will become. The idea of a self-made man is traceable to a man who think no one deserves a place of praise in their making process. They think they achieved it all by themselves. Well, you may have achieve some, but you didn't do it all by yourself. Such claims leaves you to be self-centered. You may erase the place of God also thinking that its all your talents, gifts and all t


Young man, it is quite sometimes and I must admit that I missed writing you. Rest is something essential and when you don't give it to body, the body take its naturally but don't allow it to be forced. Its dangerous. Today, I want to tell you something significantly valuable for your journey especially those of you interrupted on your path. God may interrupt your plans so as to enter into the reality of what you must become. You may be on your way with speed in wrong direction and God will slow you down and redirect your course so that you can be his design. The moment you notice a strong opposition from the Holy Spirit on an issue or what you are doing, please relax and allow his lead. You may have a desire but it may not fit into his desire. You want to be the best singer in the world but God interrupted you and cause you to study science, there is a purpose to it. God is deliberate in his scheme. Even if you are going fine on your path, he may have a more glorious path for y