Seriously, understanding your times in the making process poses a  great challenge to many as children of God. Unlike the trees and crops whose seasons are relatively constant in planting and fruition, every man has a unique timing in both. It is laid on us to understand under God what our times and seasons are. A man who ought to be in the planting season is expressing fruits (Results of being made). A man who ought to be in the germination stage is celebrating the harvest. See, once you miss your timing in life, there is already a huge deficit in purpose fulfillment. Don't envy any man. See their timeline and you will understand. One heavy blow the enemy has landed on our generation of young ones is to be fruitful without getting planted. They want to ride cars, build houses, have huge money, and get to do the "big" things without being buried as in planting. No cultivation,  no rooting, no thinning, and no manuring, none. They want to skip those times because of one old politician, one old pastor, and one old professor that has gone through their seasons of planting. It is sardonic that young men don't want to follow God's timeline again. While it is not bad to make it early in life, it is wrong to jump your timeline. The end of it is catastrophic. Mind you,  your timeline is different from others. You see, there is time for everything Jesus wanted to come out earlier at 12 years of age because of the grace upon him. He disputed with professors of law and all. No one can answer his questions and he answered all of theirs. Everyone was amazed at his depth with the age hanging on him. Well,  the father and mother knew it was not yet time. He obeyed them and was buried for another 18 years. Growing time, thinning time, development time, cultivation time and all were in the 18 years. God personally announced him when his time of earthly manifestations began. Then comes suffering and crucifixion times. Then the time of glory when all authorities in heaven and on earth were delivered to him. Young man, please bear in mind that God doesn't allow any man to jump the timeline. Which time of your life are you? You can know this under God by His sweet Spirit. You will appreciate your making process more once you know the times you are in. Understand your times and your making process becomes easy. The pain in it will sing like gain. The cross in it will look like a crown. Its story will be shaped in glory. 

Reference; Luke 2 v 41-52



  1. Understanding our timing in the process make it easy to go on. Every one has their time of planting and fruiting..

  2. Peer pressure has made some miss their time and make them jump processes. I pray God help us.

    1. Exactly, the world we are in now. Most miss their timing because of the fake lives some people put on social media...may GOD help us

  3. Thanks for the timely and edifying message sir

  4. Very timely, accurate and apt.


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