Excuse me, man, excuses are never going to be genuine says, my philosophical friend. There is no amount of excuse that you give in not doing a thing that will be enough a substitute to doing that thing. You need to know that you have huge excuses on your path in your making process. Excuse your body will give, your desire will give, your lack of one thing or the other will give, so as not to achieve a task. Beware. Excuses will limit the height you should travel in life. Excuses present themselves as your disadvantages, your limitations, your huge boundary, or a mountain to climb. If you don't wake up and deal with every tenable and untenable excuse, you won't go far. The spy sent by Moses came back with devastating excuses that were enough to cause the people not to go on and possess their promised land. Only two stood out with different testaments. The land is filled with milk and honey but there is an obstacle that can get you stuck on the road without entering the land. They are the excuses. They present themselves as giants: children of Anakim. Your dreams and aspirations may be great, your excuses may be a hindrance. Your desire to be something of eternal value may be awesome, but your excuses can be the monster that won't allow it to come to reality. What have you been feeding your heart that disrupts you from seeing what you should do to achieve what you want?  What justifies you not adding another degree that you so desire? Why have you not become the Sunday school teacher you always want? Why have you not taken that proposal a little further? What stops your passion to finish the bible in one year? What hinders your daily prayers? What stops you from writing that new book? We can go on and on and on and on. Well, excuses may be "Genuine" like the giants were to the Israelites, but they were only excuses.  They can only stop those that enlarge them and give in to them. Those that will see them for what they are, will enter their promised land. Sadly, all who went and believed the excuses never made it to the promised land. Only Joshua and the other fellow did. The others died in the wilderness. Lost only in the pursuit of a dream enveloped with excuses. Rise above those excuses. It's part of your making process. And you must learn to overpower every tenable and untenable excuse. It's important for your growth. If you continue with the excuses, you may tarry waiting for progressive change in your life and it may not come. With excuses, great dreams never see the day. With excuses, men of purpose have become shadows of reality. Note that God is with you and that is bigger than any excuses that may come your way. 

Reference: Number 13



  1. No amount of excuses in not doing a thing can replace doing it.

  2. Hmmm...I choose live beyond excuses to achieve my dreams in life. So help me God!

    Thanks for this great piece!

  3. Hmm..."There is no amount of excuse that you give in not doing a thing that will be enough a substitute to doing that thing" thanks sir

  4. This reminds me of a book I read by Brian Tracy titled "The Power of Self Discipline, No Excuses". To my point of view, it takes discipline in order to overcome excuses.
    This write-up refreshed my memory about the book but in the biblical way, thank you sir.


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