Cry Out! That is Your Weapon

Young man, I want to remind you of something crucial as you continue your journey. You must realize that, on your own, you are weak and incapable of achieving anything without God. One of the greatest weapons God has given you to defend yourself and to fight the enemy is the ability to cry out to Him for help. You cannot navigate this world alone, and you cannot win the battles you face by your own strength. Many young men have tried to fight life's battles on their own, only to be destroyed by them. Though they remain alive, they are spiritually defeated. You must learn to call out to God for help, loudly and constantly. You do not have everything figured out. God has said that He sends you out like a lamb among wolves, a powerful image that reveals your deep need for Him. He is not even sending you out as a grown sheep, but as a lamb, young and vulnerable. This signifies your utter dependence on His strength and power to survive the hostile environment around you. David, the son of Jesse, understood this well. He wrote often about how he would cry out to the Lord, and the Lord would hear his voice in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. David won his battles because he knew how to call on God for help. Likewise, every time you cry out to God as His child, He comes to your aid. He is your shield, your defense. As you navigate through life’s challenges, trust completely in God. He will help you, guide you, and give you victory over every adversity, no matter how overwhelming it may seem. David could never have defeated Goliath on his own. It was an impossible task, but with God’s help, he overcame. Similarly, as a believer, you are walking through a world filled with danger, like a lamb among wolves and beers. You cannot survive on your own, but with the Great Shepherd by your side, you can face whatever comes your way. Cry out to Him, morning, noon, and night, and He will hear your voice.

Make prayer your constant practice. Seek God’s face daily. He is faithful and will carry you through every storm.

Reference: Psalm 55:17, Luke 10 v 3



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