Avoid competition, life is not a game

 Life is not a game. Avoid competition. True wisdom lies in learning not to compete with others. It is the hallmark of maturity to understand that life is not a race but a journey tailored uniquely for each person. The moment you perceive everyone as competition, you risk losing the essence of your purpose, chasing fleeting validations of superiority instead of nurturing your true potential. You may find temporary satisfaction in saying, "I am better than him," but in doing so, you could sacrifice the deeper fulfillment that comes from personal growth. Stay focused on your lane. Life has already been designed to reward you when you grow into the version of yourself that you are meant to be. Competing with others blinds you to the wisdom that your journey is not theirs. Each person’s path is a reflection of the unique purpose and gifts they carry, and yours is no different. Competing with your teacher is particularly unwise. Teachers, in life or any field, hold the keys to wisdom you have yet to unlock. In challenging them prematurely or viewing them as rivals, you risk losing the critical lessons meant to guide you, potentially grounding your progress. God, in His design, has equipped you with a distinct package that only you can nurture. Focus on allowing it to grow, respecting the process, and embracing your evolution without the distractions of comparison. True greatness comes when you master the art of being better than your past self and not better than someone else.

Reference:  2 Cor 10 v 12



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