Young man, I trust you are advancing well in God’s plan for your life. Remember, many are praised for their achievements and deemed great by society, but some lose their true purpose because they chase results so fervently that they forget the right way to get there. Understand that while results can be achieved through various means, God is deeply concerned with the path you take to reach them. People will celebrate your outcomes, but God will honor you for both the journey and the result. You might see others gaining wealth and recognition by taking shortcuts, and society may even reward them. You may wonder why, despite doing everything right, you still struggle. But let me remind you, results are good and everyone desires them but make sure you attain them the right way. Consider Moses, who was instructed by God to speak to the rock for water, but instead struck it, and water still flowed. Despite the result, God was not pleased, and Moses was barred from entering the Promised Land. Both Moses and Pharaoh's magicians performed miracles, but only one had lasting significance. Don’t be discouraged when you see wrongdoers prospering. God has an eternal plan for you. If all your efforts are focused solely on worldly gains such as gold, goods, and fleeting achievements, then you are missing the bigger picture. If your results are only visible in things like certificates, degrees, possessions, or popularity, you have not yet tapped into your true calling. These things are not inherently bad; they may even be signs of God’s blessings, but there is more. God cares about your obedience, your sacrifices, and whether your journey aligns with His plan for you. How have you achieved your results? Are they infused with divine guidance and obedience? Have they blessed others, or have they caused harm along the way? Your results alone are not enough to prove you are on the right path. God looks beyond the surface; He examines your heart and your intentions. Be diligent about the process. Be deeply committed to following the path God has set before you to fulfill His purpose in your life.

Reference: Number 20, Exo 7

The Process


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