Young man, let me tell you that it is absolutely breathtaking to be beautiful. It is the desire of everyone to be tagged beautiful. You need to understand that everyone will celebrate with you when you are beautiful. You will become the centre of attraction to all. Ovations and all will pour in. You will have friends here and there. But be mindful of the other side of your beauty. Well, the beauty I am talking about may come from your body posture, intelligence, wealth, and skills. It could come from your outspokenness. Woah, you will hear the word beautiful if you are a high flier in some of these matters. But don't overdo it. Watch that your beauty does not become your trap. Watch it so that it does not become a center of ego. Watch it that you don't claim to be God because men value your beauty. Nebuchadnezzar was such a mighty king that wows men. Men tremble at his power and he was a dream for every young fellas, but he forgot to trim the beautiful part of his life and put it in shape. He allowed it to grow beyond control. It became a trap for him. He became arrogant because of the beauty. God allowed him to be mocked and ridiculed to regain his senses. God humiliated him to shape his beauty. What do you have that you have not been given young man? As what beautifies your life grows, don't ever allow it to overgrow without a trimming. Cut the excesses of your beauty, they may be your death trap. Absalom David was a beautiful young man whose hair was the envy of all in Israel. He was the talk of everyone in Israel.  His hair was a major point of discussion and of course he was without blemish from head to toe. But you see, Absalom cuts his hair only once a year. There is a silent trap here young man. You need daily trimming and shaping. Don't wait till the excesses have become a trap before you cut it. Cut off irrelevant friends, cut off pride and arrogance. Cut off lust for women and money. Cut off every bad habit that can destroy you. Don't do it once a year. Do it every day. Your growth should be daily and not yearly. The excesses of beauty is the other side of it and it can be dangerous as it can aid the enemy in destroying you.  The other side of beauty is delicate. Be deliberate in shaping your beautiful corner. Be deliberate in trimming what men celebrate in you.  Be deliberate. Absalom lost his life due to the same hair that men envied. He was to be spared by his father after his huge error in overthrowing him. Yet, while escaping from the war front, he was hanged by his hair. The enemy only needs to put a spear in his heart. He was already defenseless. His beauty hanged him. Watch it young man that what beautifies you won't destroy you. For some, it was a gift and then boom, the same gift led them to be womaniser because they can't control the impact of the gift and talent.  The other side of beauty could really be dangerous. It can limit what God designed you to be if not trimmed and trained appropriately.  

Reference; II Sam  14, 18


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