One of the things you should not joke with in your process of making is counsel from sound and wise minds. God will deliberately place men on your path to guide and lead you right. Beware you are not competing with them and also be careful to know and place them right. You see, the moment you tuned them to a competitor or you despise their counsel, be sure that you are already lacking a major ingredient of your making. Several young people have failed and faltered in life because of this. They neglect the counsel of wise men and choose their own path wrongly. Guide the words of wise men whose life exemplifies what they are counseling you on. There is a great strength in a wise counsel that surpasses that of a battalion. Wise counsels will save you from making terrible and irreversible mistakes that may reduce the person you ought to be in life. Remember Ahithophel, a wise man in the days of King David? He was such a man that gives counsel that makes the kings and queens tremble. When Absalom took over his father's kingdom and sent his father running, Ahithophel joined him and gave some counsel that gave Absalom a place in the heart of David's subjects.  David was told Ahithophel had joined the camp of Absalom. David trembled. He must have heard that some of his Generals defected and he was not too bothered.  However, when he heard Ahithophel had joined, he had to pray to God for safety. The Generals did not threaten David but Ahithophel, a wise man achieved it. David asked specifically that his counsels be seen as foolishness. Ahithophel gave a counsel that will have landed David in trouble and the counsel was as though God had spoken. He had such precision for guidance. Young man, your journey will also be sandwiched with such men. Be careful to take note and align with Godly counsel from them. Ahithophel's counsel was the best but because David prayed, and it was jettisoned. The strength of his counsel was the value of his life. He knew what was coming as a wise man. He knew if David could survive that night, then all of them were doomed. So, he killed himself before David would make a public ridicule of him. David won the battle and Absalom even died in the process because he failed to listen to the counsel of a wise man. When you fail to listen to counsel of the wise men that God has placed on your path in your process of making, you can be used that you will settle for a lesser you. God has given us the wisest of all, the Holy Spirit. Listen to him as he guides you on a daily basis and also, God has placed Godly men with a value system.on your path,  watch and learn from them to make headway in life. Never be like David's son who became king and never listened to the elders. His Kingdom was torn apart. Wise counsel will guide you again having a torn purpose and kingdom.

 Reference: 2 Sam 16, Prov 11 v 14 

The Process


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