Young man, stop giving kudos to the work of the devil while neglecting the praise of God. It is important you know that the more you speak and become fearful of what the devil can do, the more the reality of what God has done and  will do fade away from your heart.  Stop eulogising the devil and start singing the praises of God more. When you sit in a place where the emphasis is always on what the devil is doing in the world, then you will not hear what God has done and what God will still do. You need to stay far from hearing and accepting the calamitous nature of the devil and begin to stay close to where you can hear about the unlimited capacity of God. This will propel faith in you and you will be able to climb the great mountains on your path in your process of making. See, the devil and his cohorts have a goal shared into three focuses: steal, kill and destroy. Don't allow anyone to place too much emphasis on them. It will render your faith very weak and you may be far from the reality of what God can do. Any little thing that happens to you may be traced to the devil and then enlarged with the words of men.  They may claim the whole wicked men are after you and all but alas, rejoice in one thing that there is bigger news. God has destroyed the devil's work by the work of Jesus. Jesus died and resurrected to destroy Satan's agenda. Therefore, stay in faith. You may be told that you are under serious attack and all because the devil is realling you. Well, while that may be true, focus more on the power that saves, and seek his face more.  Jesus knew the devil was planning and doing something. He never gave too much attention to it. He was busy with his purpose. He was moving around doing good. He was focused on the father's assignment and the devil kept wasting all energy in scheming. Yet, Jesus was not disturbed. Young man, focus more on your goal and vision for life. Focus more on what God can do. Focus more on what he has done before and you will see it come alive in your own life. Job had a very terrible experience that made him lose all his children and belonging. The devil needed attention. He never gave it to him. The devil wanted it so badly he came in all forms but Job had one single focus: God. He held unto God and stayed true to his praise. He got to a point he felt God should know he had done nothing wrong to deserve what had happened to him. Yet, he never waved from God. You see, the more you celebrate the goodness of God and his person, the less the devil and his work become in your life. You can be sure that they will be disgraced because you didn't pay attention to them not. I am not saying you should be ignorant of the devices of the devil but don't give too much attention to him. Give more attention to God and sing more of his praise. I am sure you end well. Praise him more and more and see him in action.

Reference: Job 1 



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