Let me bring a vital issue to your attention again today young man. It is essential you know the difference between Ismael and Isaac in your purpose for living. It is important you know that shortcut is never going to be part of God's approved way of making you. You cannot jump the process and end with the divine arrangements for your life. I am sure you cannot become anything eternal with shortcuts. Meanwhile, I must commend you that you have waited for long and probably still waiting for answers to your prayers. Don't stop holding on to his words and acting on them. Don't give up on the reality of his promises. They may be delayed, they will come to pass. It may take years but I can assure you that they always come to PASS. The bareness in Abraham's life was so devastating that his wife concluded she needed to make provision for him to have an heir: one he can call his own. As though the problem was with the woman who had the womb.  God promised Abraham that he will give him a covenant child who will possess the gates of his enemies and become a pointer to the world about him. God promised Abraham that a child will come from him and Sarah. But it was delayed. The child didn't come in their own time and so, they mobilized effort into the short path. They took shortcut. They neglected the long and correct path. They defiled the instructions of God. Sarah arranged one of the maid that was brought from Egypt for Abraham. Abraham forgot the long and standing covenant and jump at the option. You see, problems and circumstances of life can forge you to take a wrong path if you are not truly standing in God. Challenges of life can make you loose your walk with God for years if you failed to hold to his words. You may be loosing an eternal heritage because you are tired. I know it is not easy. I must say that it is extremely tough to be unproductive for years even after so much efforts placed in education and trainings. Well, let me tell you that his promises are YE and AMEN. They will always come to pass. God is not a man that he should lie. Therefore, hold on a little more. Haggar gave birth to Ismael and the boy became the centre of attraction to Abraham. His shortcut had given him an answer but that was not God's plan. Let me say to you that shortcut will always bring fast answers. They will bring you fast solutions to your problems. But they are temporal. The joy there will fade soonest. The joy there will be gone soonest. Beware. Haggar soon became a thorn in the flesh of Sarah. She regretted her actions. Abraham even told God to bless Ismael and forget Isaac. God won't bless such a thing. He won't bless the ill gotten money. He won't take the position you acquire with dubious attitudes. He won't associate with such shortcuts. He has a lay down guidelines. Don't ever jump any of the process of making you. They may seem long. They are his plans and ordained protocols young man. God approved that Ismael be sent off for Isaac to reign. Ismael was given nothing but gifts but Isaac was to have all things linked to Abraham. God cannot be mocked. Be sure that he is aware of all you are going through but never seek a shortcut to your Isaac. God won't have anything to do with it. At the end, it was away with Ismael cos I am for your Isaac. Trust God with all your heart. Wait patiently for his promises. I know you are not in haste again. You have waited  and so wait a little more and your Isaac will come and he will bless you with great enlargement and your fulfilment of purpose will be sound and eternally sculptured in glory. Don't ever present Ismael for blessings. God won't be ready for such. Present Isaac and your joy and laughter will know no bound. Isaac may be delayed in coming but it will come and great shall be your laughter. This is essentially to ginger you to be patient and also to know that God watches every steps of yours. He will bring all to beauty in HIS OWN TIME. 

Reference; Gen 17



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