Let me specifically tell you a defining factor on this journey as you continue in your making process. The reality is that the enemies and the troubles you will face are like the sand of the sea. They are like the countless drops of water in the ocean. But one thing will give you victory. One thing will continuously be the assuring factor as you progress. It is the depth of the word of God that has becoming living and active in you. Your life is built to last on it. Your life is designed by it. It is the breathe and the bread of your sustenance. Do you remember Gideon? A man that came from the least family in the least clan within the least town in Israel. God saw a degree of strength in him and asked him to face the tormentor of Israel. He was afraid because he was a nobody. God assured him severally through fleece of wool and water demos. God also needed to finished the fear. He sent him to listen to the revelation of a Midianite and his colleague. The man had a dream where a bread of barley fell upon the camp of the Midianites and destroyed it like a bomb falling upon a house. The other gave interpretation that it was the SWORD OF GIDEON which is the SWORD OF GOD. The bread is typically an allegory for the word of God which is also the symbol for the sword. The word is the sword and it is the bomb on the camp of the enemies. Gideon was loaded with the word of God and it was easy to finish the enemy with few soldiers on trumpet. Young man, the summary of the story is that the word of God is the sword to fight the battle. It is the solution to every sickness. It is the answer to all questions and solution to all bareness. I can boldly tell you that Except you are guide with the sword of Gideon which is the sword of God, you can't finish the battle. It is most likely the battle finish you away from the word of God. Once you can lay hold on the promises of God in every situation and it can come alive to you by destroying every discouragement and fear, you are sure the enemy will flee before you. Their camp will be set ablaze. All the encouragement you need when you are down are in the word of God. All the supports you need when faced with challenges of life are in the word of God. As you journey on in the making process, be close to the word of God. Let it be in your heart every moment. You will see that your troubles and sorrow will flee before you and your joy will know no bound. The word of God is the answer to all questions. Get close to it and allow the Holy Spirit show you the depth of each letter, you will be more than the conqueror. 

Reference; Judges 7 v 15- 8 v 21. 



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