I am excited to remind you one major thing that is crucial on your journey today. Young man, God still answers prayers. God still has answer to your dryness and lack. He is more than able to cause your expansion. God is more than able to make something happen out of nothing. He can call forth those things that be not as though they are. Don't stress yourself on matters that are currently elongating you beyond your elastic limits. Don't grumble because of the current conditions. It may be hard but God can still hear you if you call. He want you to call him for help and he will show you great and mighty things you do not know. Are you still searching for a child after the long awaited wedding? Are you still looking for job even when you have improved your skills and certificates? Are you still looking for capital despite the beautiful ideas that flows in your brain all the times? Are you still asking for platform despite the grace and depth of insight into God's word that you have as a minister of God? Do you think these conditions are beyond attention of God? May I tell you that God is in it all along with you. The Israelite had a great deliverance from the Egyptians. They sang a new song of Joy and testimonies were flowing from every corner. But suddenly, they entered a land where there was no water. Everything seemed dried. Something got them famished. They were gasping for water. They accused their leader, Moses, of trying to kill them in the wildernesses. They forgot so quickly the goodness of God that brought them out. They forgot he heard their cry earlier. Can't they pray again? Can't they seek him again? Mind you He was with them all along the journey. He was the Rock behind them. There is everything in HIM. All they needed for life and godliness is there for them. All they should do was to speak to the rock behind them. All they should was to speak of their anguish and pain to him. All they needed to do was to ask him to come to their aid. Young man, remember you rejoiced when that certificate came. Remember you celebrated when the wedding was finally done. You were so happy with the current platform of your congregation when you started. How come you forgot so soon that he that did it then can do it better again. All you need to do is speak to the rock, don't strike it. Moses was angry and he struck the rock. He laid his hand on the master. Don't think you can blackmail God to do what you want. Don't force your way. Don't use force. All you need is prayer. Speak to him. He is listening. The water of refreshing is in him. Yes, it will gush out at your request. You may be tired and weary, the water will quench your thirst. The water will finish your burden. You will come alive again. Drink from the rock and you will never go thirsty again. But learn to speak to the rock. Don't use force. Don't force your way through. Don't force the congregation to grow by any crook means. Don't force the child to come by sleeping with another man or woman. Don't force the job to come by bribing or selling your body.  Don't force your way through. Striking the rock could be permissive in every sense cos it was forced. The permissive available water is a trap to your throat and a death in your bosom. Watch it young man, speak to the rock. The rock is Christ. Speak, he can hear and he will release your ease. He will grease your pain and send away your draught. If you desire to end well and finish strong, don't ever strike the rock, speak to him. You will come out satisfied and your soul will be refreshed all along your making and manifestation period.

 Reference: I Cod 10 v 4, Number 20 v 10-13



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