There is nothing that happen in your life coincidentally or accidentally. Everything is either designed by God to make you or by the devil to mar you. Don't take life casually cos it is not casual. I know that the majority of challenges you face in your life have triggered you to think you just exist and nothing more to it. You have faced or still facing some horrible and terrible situations. Sometimes, you are not clear of the outcome of your life cos of these circumstances. Well, the situations make it to be blurry and the degree of uncertainty in your life has increased. In fact, you have concluded that you will end up in the crowd and die like countless others in your generation or around you. Well, let me tell you the candid truth, if you have concluded in your heart, you may have a tough time receiving help from God to see you through such conditions. God knows about your wilderness experience and I must tell you that God is deliberate in what he is doing. Young man, as long as you are in the right direction in him and your fellowship with God has not been dented, you can be sure that there is no issue he won't attend to. Be sure you are deeply connected and in constant communion with God. Every wilderness experience where there are drought and dryness are designed by God to make you extremely UNIQUE from others. I know you may not have seen it from this perspective, you may not have understood the why in this direction. But I am saying to you that God is making you unique by his arrangements once you know you are in constant communion with him. In fact, sometimes things may not be too tough and all. What God may do may disconnect some people you have depended so much upon from you. He may make the message of the man of God that has been an anchor to you and have formed his pattern of speech and dressing, to be sounding below what you need. You may not gel with his words again so much. You may not connect too deeply on the platform you previously operated. Mind you, in these periods, the word of God makes meaning more to you. The word of God is more than real and living to you. Such moments are moments that God is forming you more into your uniqueness. He breathe his own words and spirit to you and you take his own form alone. Remember John Zachariah? He was sent into the wilderness to be formed into a unique person. He heard and speak with God alone until the day of his appearance in Israel. He couldn't copy any man. He couldn't follow any man safe God. He couldn't get ideas of men. He was bounded to God alone. Even Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, went into the wilderness to be formed into his uniqueness. He was there for forty days and nights. He heard only the voice of God and not the elders in the sanctuary. He spoke with him alone and got all he needed to uniquely fulfil his assignment. Moses was sent to the wilderness deliberately to be formed for forty years. He led the sheep and could see God alone. He was not to be the new Pharaoh and so, all the charisma of Pharaoh and his palace were not needed for his uniqueness. Young man, all you are going through has a definition. It has a goal. It has a target. It does not just happen. Therefore, rejoice in every moment. Celebrate even in the down times  cos God is aware of your case and will cause you to finish well and strong. 

Reference; Luke 1 v 80, Matthew 4 v 1-11



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