God never made anything without an accompany glory. This is a very strong dose for you today, young man. He is intentional and purposeful in all his ways and doings. Everything God made are good and are encompassed with his DEPTH of GLORY.  Everything which includes living and non living. May I tell you what you already know again?  You are the CHIEF of all the creation of God. Therefore he can never make mistake by making you for no reason. The reason he made you is packed in GLORY. He designed you with his own glory and asked you to dominate the entire universe. He is God and he specific in dealing with you. I know that you may have doubted the reality of his glory in you because of your predicament and conditions. Some young people have concluded that they are Ichabod (No glory) because of the unpleasant occurrences in their lives. Well, may I tell you that you are well packaged and rigorously designed with glory of God. What has separated man from God's glory is sin. Once you have connected your creator early through the lord Jesus, be sure that Christ in you is the hope of God's glory. For Christ is the glory of God personified. Beware you don't allow the design of God to be wasted. You are glorious by designed but you can be deformed by your choices. The choice of a man can deform the initial design of God in his life. You remember Samson Manoah? He was designed with such a glory that is similar to the sun. In fact, his name means SUN. He was designed so glorious with all manners of wisdom, strength, knowledge, understanding and all. He had the Spirit of God with him. But he made some wrong choices. Wrong choice of marriage, wrong choice of being a lone ranger, wrong choice of not listening to his father and mother. Wrong choice of sleeping with harlots among others. Those choices are also opened to you young man. I hope you have not started making wrong choices too? His choices deformed him and allowed his sun to set in the mid day. The enemy got him deformed. He never knew that the glory he was designed with had left him. His hairs were cut, his eyes were gouged out,  and he was paraded as a slave boy before a useless god. He was designed glorious but was deformed by his wrong choices. Beware of making wrong choices as you proceed in your making process. Wrong choices can deform you and make your sun set in the mid day. Young man, set this reality in your heart that God has designed you with his glory but your choices have so much to do with what becomes of that glory. Make right choices. Have the right friends and keep the right company. I am sure you will end well and overcome all infringe challenges. 

Reference: Judges 13-16 



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