Waoh, so you are pregnant? Who impregnated you? Young man, I hope you know that you carry a divine womb that must birth forth something eternally relevant. I hope you know that all the labor of God over you while taking you through the process of making is to bring out something that can save the world in your own way. You have been designed for such purpose. You didn't exist for just existing. Your existence is for a divine agenda. You have a womb that can be loaded with treasures to be birthed in due course. Just like you have seen a woman that is called womb-man carrying pregnancy as a result of a male deposit, I hope you know that you are carrying a womb that will accommodate a divine deposit. But this deposit can be from God or Satan. Yes, you read it well, it could be from God or Satan. Just like a woman can decide who get to impregnate her, you can also decide who impregnate you. You can determine whose seed you will carry. You can determine who overshadows you and lead your life to bear fruit. I hope you are not giving room for Satan to impregnate you. He can impregnate you with his ideas to be in haste, to chase money by all means, to enter robbery and forgery. He can impregnate you with such ideas to kill to be rich, to cheat others and do all manner of evil vices. Well, those are dangerous seeds that birth forth destruction. You must beware young man, that you don't allow Satan to impregnate you just like he did to Judas Iscariot. The end of him was destruction. Who impregnated you? Allow the Holy Spirit to overshadow and impregnate you with divine ideas and agenda that can change the world for good. Allow him to make you birth a savior in your own little corner. You can birth love and kindness to humanity. You can birth generosity and goodness in all you do if he is your husbandman. Mary had an encounter with God about the birth of Jesus through an angel. She asked how those wonderful things God had spoken about will come to pass. She never knew a man yet believed that her womb is for a divine assignment. How will this be? How will your dream and aspiration come alive and be tangible? How will you place a great mark on earth and finish well without falling? How will your seeds become valiant for God? How? It is all tied to who impregnates you! She was told that the power of the most high will overshadow her. She will have divine coitus with Holy Ghost and she will bring forth a child that will change the world forever. Allow the Holy Spirit overshadow your thoughts, ideas and your daily living and you will end up singing glorious songs. You will give birth to the very essence of your existence.


Reference; Luke 1 v 35. 



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