Well, it is always amazing to write you young man. I missed that but I trust that you are holding and moving on with the instructions left for you in previous doses of the process. Today, I have a simple message to pass across to you. Don't allow success get into your head nor failure dwell in your heart. Both sides are dangerous twins. It does not matter what you have accomplished hitherto, don't allow it get to your head. God want you to know that the glory of the later house will always surpass the former. There is not going to be a better yesterday for you. God has a scheme of making you shine brighter as your days goes by. You were designed to get better with your time here on earth till you change address. You must know that very early and keep pushing out the best of God for you. Don't relax on yesterday's success. No, its dangerous. Allowing success to enter your head could make you rest on your oak and that may leave you behind the mark of his high calling. You must keep pressing forward. Just like Paul did. He was not satisfied with what he had accomplished, he kept pushing forward to lay hold on the reason for his salvation. It was continuous until he burned out. Until he was completely poured out.  You need to know that God want you brighter by the day. The path of the just is like a shining light that shines brighter as the day goes by. Secondly, allowing it to get to your head could bring pride and that is a very destructive tool in the hand of Satan. Once, success gets to your head, you may be heading towards destruction. Watch it, dude. Nebuchadnezzar had that as his undoing. In the other side of the coin is allowing failure to reach your heart. It is also a disastrous one. Never allow failure to reach your heart cos it may crush your spirit. And a crushed spirit is difficult to raise. God is specific with your design young man. Failure is part of it and it make you a stronger fellow if you don't allow it get to your heart. Once it get to your heart, you may be unstable and want to end all. Forget the past young man and move on to a better day. If you fail and dwell in your failure, it is because you are making a home for it in your heart. You won't see better vision from the failure once it takes over your heart. Allow God to help you soar above your failure. Allow God's word dwell in your heart richly. Occupy it totally with his words rather  than allowing failure crush your heart. Both success in the head and failure in the heart are dangerous twins and you must not allow them in your head and heart. Whatever level you have reached, something is higher. Whatever area of life you have failed, its not the end of the world. Just don't take it to heart, lest you give up and loose your emotional stability. Allow GOD to reach every fabric of you. Your head and heart will be secured from all the winds of success and failure. This is because success of yesterday may be a big hindrance to ultimately fulfilling your God's given mandate. Similarly, failure may crush your spirit if you allow it in your heart. 

Reference: Isaiah 43 v18,  Psalm 119 v 11, Dan 4.



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