Young man, it is vital I tell you this reality that must dwell in your heart richly. Your background must not determine what you will become. You may start small, your later end must be greater. Don't ever use how you were born, who born you and where you were born as an excuse for living a life of mediocrity. No, way. God is deliberate about your life and he can never make mistake about your background. You need to know that you may have a humble beginning, God has planned for that. You may be born in a manger but you must not live meager life. You may be born in a family with no or little nobility and affluence, you may be born and struggle with that mentality of middle or poverty class, there is no issue in that if you don't allow it to overshadow your heart. Once your heart is not fixed to the status of your birth and you give in all your best not to stay in that status, you will definite enter into his full design. Who born you, how you were born and where you were born are not enough to stop you from all of God for you. Jesus was born in the manger but never lived a meager life. He was never born in nobility but he embodied nobility in its highest order. Jesus worked the very life he wanted us to live. He was master over every thing that can hinder a man from becoming all of God's design. Young man, you also need to follow his step to become anything in God's program. Jesus was detailed in living accurately in obedience to elder, sacrifice is studying, committed to prayers, deeply focused on his call and ministry, knowing his time and understanding occurrences around him.  He didn't fall into temptation, he knew when the flesh must be denied food for deeper access to the throne room. He knew his friends and enemies likewise. He was not a lone ranger as Samson, he had disciples and solders raised by and for him. These are some of the pattern laid down for you young man if you will never end up living a meager life. You may be born in the manger, it does not equate to a meager life. God doesn't want you to end up in mediocrity because you will not be ultimately living for him if that happen to you. You may be born lowly, you must not die in that state. You may be born in the manger, you must not die with a meager life. You must be deliberate in  following the foot step of  Christ in detail. Your design is embedded into the scheme of following Christ. 

Reference; Luke 2, 9 v 23 



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