There is power in your words young man. I must pass this across to you today as it is extremely vital for your becoming. You must get this again and again. I had early written to you on saying positive, staying positive. I therefore want to increase the tempo of the writing here. You must learn to chant God's word as a weapon of victory for you. You must chant it everywhere. Repetitive pattern with outright weight of its impact on you is very important to shape your thought and thus, your becoming. Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil. Though my eyes have seen the miscarriages of glory around me as a result of the wind of evil, my life is persevered. I shall not die but live to declare the glory of God in the land of the living. I am the head and not the tail. The lord works in me to do and to act according to his good pleasure. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I dwell in God's house forever. You see, chanting is not speaking in tongues alone. You must chant the words to sword. Chant it to weapon. Chant it to light on your path. Chant it to courage in your heart. Chant it to action. Chant it to reality. Chant it everywhere. Chant it aloud. Chant it inside. Chant it with all deliberateness in you. You must be like David Jesse. David wakes up with chants of God's word. He chanted his goodness. He chanted his power. He chanted his grace and glory. He was everywhere chanting  it. It became his identity. It became his life. It became all about him. It became his weapon. He went into the battle with Goliath chanting it. He came out victorious. Young man, chant his goodness even in the midst of chaos. Chants his power when you are in valley of death and shadow of challenges. You will come out victorious. 

Reference: I Sam 17, Psalm 23



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