The circumstances around you may not have given you any green light that your life will become what you dreamt of. Really, its hard to say you will matter in anything meaningful in life because of the current tides. The education you gave your best have deceived you? In fact, you are still struggling to complete your programme cos of situations you can't control. Thus, your hope has become blurry and a beautiful future is doubtful. Though the fig tree do not blossom. Rejoice. There is something coming for you. There is an end so great that you can't see yet. Wait for IT. There may not be shape to it now. Be steadfast. There may not be sign of it now. Be consistent and diligent in what you are doing now, your result will amaze you. Cos you didn't see the rain promised, you gave up and packed your buckets and close the window. It is not good to give up at any slight challenge. It is not good to summarize that nothing good will come out of your life cos of the present temporary conditions. Hold tight to God and he will turn things around for you. It may not look like it. Wait, it will be totally formed into it. When your heart fails you and is beginning to bring in doubt, stretch forth for comfort in God's word. Strengthen your heart in and with his promises. It may tarry, wait for it. You will rejoice at the end. Abraham and Sarah had to wait for years for fruit of the womb. They had to. Isaac and Rebekah likewise. They had to wait for fruition. They must have given in their best shot at getting pregnant. But nothing came forth. It became so blurry that Sarah took the other route away from what God promised. They suffered the consequences of that action anyways. She couldn't wait any longer. She rushed to the available alternative that was never God's best for them. In fact, when God spoke to Abraham about the promised child after Hagar's son was born, he told God to just bless Ismael and nothing more. He wanted to settle for the second fiddle. He wanted to end his story himself. Your story is not concluded until God concludes it. Your chapter isn't over until God closed it. What he promised will come and you will receive it. Devil cannot even close your chapter. Until God closed it, wait for IT, it will be formed into shape in the long run. You have the capacity to close your chapter midway though once you go off course. You may be settled with less than what you were waiting to become. Young man, wait for all to come together under God. Wait for what he had promised you. Wait for all that you have seem in your dreams, it will come to pass. 

Reference: Gen 17, 



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