You will end up thanking God you never got it. You end up giving your best praise to Jesus it never happened. Have you ever struggled for a job for close to ten years and it does not click? Sometimes, you will be at the peak of breakthrough in getting the job and something will happen and you missed out on it again. This cycle  may continue for years for you. Have you ever wanted a relationship that you gave all you can to it and yet it does not work out? Have you ever given your best energy to a business or career and failed, causing you to quit in order to pursue another options? Most of the times, moment of quitting, the moment of not getting it or the moment of breakups may be devastating and heartbreaking. You get sorely bad. You feel so awkward and sad that what you totally desire with all your energy did not materialize into anything. Its like a big lost to you. Well, don't be too hard on yourself. Young man, as long as you are in God, you will see that he has a bigger purpose for all that doesn't work out for you. He has a bigger scheme that will see you returning to say thank you God the other failed. Thank you God, the job didn't click. Thank you God, the business didn't yield anything. You will come back to say thank you God for allowing me to quit pursuing the other one. He has the perfect arrangements for your life. He designed and decorated flowers of the field beautifully, how much more you who bear his image? How much more you who is his temple? Can you design your home less attractive with all materials needed? Can God make your life that is his temple less beautiful than his abode? Have you imagine where God dwells in his honor and riches? Have you imagine his throne, assemblies and arrays of stars and creations that decorates his dwelling palace? How can he decorate your life any lesser? He has a bigger picture that you can't fathom. Just hold on to him. Just keep trusting in him. Just don't seek alternatives to his will and desires for you. Just keep walking in and working out his words in your life. When he brings you comforts for those that didn't work out, accept his comfort. Allow it to heal you fast and then see the bigger reality in display. You will come back to say, thank you God, it didn't work out. It may be months or years, you will surely say thank you God, it didn't work out. Young man, wholly trust in God's process for you, you will surely say end well. 

Reference; Romans 8 v 28, Matthew 6 v 30,  I Cos 3 v 16 



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