There is so much your life has been designed to offer young man. So much is embedded in you. You are a complete package of God's glory and you must live with that consciousness. There must be a deliberate action geared towards becoming all that God has designed you to be. You must be sensitive of everything around you so as to know how to deal with issues as they occur. Some insensitivities may pull you out of divine covering and hence land you in a place to labor for nothing. Well, you may labor and gather something that will eventually be a waste. Some occurrences in your life need you to calm down before jumping at a decision just because it look good. Some need you to stay where you are without moving an inch irrespective of how beautiful the offer to move away has to give. Some relationships are covering for your life and you must be sensitive not to move away from them no matter your differences if you will ever have a lot in life. Having a lot means becoming in large sum all that God has for you. Becoming the great deal that you were designed to be. Remember Lot Terah? Lot happened to be in the camp of Abraham and things were going great for them as a family until a fight between their herders. Abraham, as a mature elder called for a meeting to settle it and suggested that Lot choose a portion of the land to stay so they won't be fighting. Well, Lot did look up and saw a plane covered with green grass and fresh for his cattle. He jumped at that. He decided the relationship should end because of herder's fight. Young man, a serious lesson is hidden in his decision. You must learn it well. It will have been expected of Lot to bow to Abraham and say Father, you are my covering sir. I am not going anywhere. These herders will have to be tamed sir. There is a huge covering over my home as a result of us dwelling in your camp. Arrangements of how the herders will feed the livestock may have been made without lot gaining "freedom into error". He jumped at the opportunity and went away from that covering. Some leadership in your life are so essential that you must not joke with them if you must have a great deal in life. If you will not be a Lot with no lot in life. Don't ever run from with such relationship. Its essential you learn it earlier for your becoming. Even if a misunderstanding erupt among you, look for a means to settle it and stay until you are released to have a land to grow. Lot went with his family and his choice was by sight. Abraham carried a covenant that can accommodate GENERATIONS of GLORIES. Why will lot jump out of it? Abraham has God as his reward and it is as though, Lot went from the shadow of God. Well, it was really so because he ventured into a land where immorality was the order of the day. His greener pasture was already marked for destruction. He gathered so much in that land of corruption yet lost everything to God's fire. Abraham interceded for him so he could escaped the fire but all that was gathered in corruption vanished with fire. Lot's wife saw that they were asked to live without a pin and she felt that was too heavy. They were told never to look back but she did and turned into a memorial statue of salt. Lot escaped with his daughters but the daughters were already defiled in the heart even though they were physically virgins. They planned and slept with their father to raise him an accursed generation. When he was asked to flee, he could have asked to go back to Abraham but I guess so much was there he could not accommodate again. Lot ended with no lot in life. He ended with incest and raised children from his own daughters. These were the occurrences that came in because he left a covering. He departed from the covering of God over him and ended shapelessly and deformed. There was nothing he labored for that fire didn't consume. All his servants and all that caused the fight went with fire cos only him and his daughter were reported to escape the fire. Young man, you just have to live with the consciousness of every occurrences around you. Don't live by chances. Be deliberate in your choices and be sensitive to some useless fights that can cut useful relationships off you. This is important so you won't end up as Lot with no lots in life. 

Reference Gen 13, 19. 



  1. This is so educative and inspirational, especially for this generation.


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