Young man, there is nothing wrong in getting what you want late as long you get it. You know why? Many won't until they are late. Same word different meaning right? Yes, you may be late in achieving your dreams and goals in life, make sure you put in all your effort to achieve it. Late means doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time. The reality is that lateness in that respect is base on human calculations of time. You are bounded by time and so the definition of lateness may fit into your brain and you consider yourself late. But God is not bounded by time. He is not in the loop of it. No, He controls it. He controls times and seasons. No wonder a day is like a thousand year with him and a thousand year is like a day. You must not be pressurized into thinking you are late and get yourself into trouble that may make you a late man. You are late by human definition but if you are in tune with God, your timing is in his hands and he is never late even by human definition of lateness. No. He is always on time. They may say you are a late achiever, latecomer in success and all semantics that may want to make you give up, don't be driven by such words. Don't give into such taunt. You are late but not late. Your life is well planned. Your life is well managed. He is the author and finisher of all that you are, young man. Some have rushed because time is going? Ask yourself where is the time going? Its always coming back in 24 hours right? God controls that loop. What many have accomplished in life while you are a "latecomer" can be given to you in lesser time. God has your life well designed. Be patient on his own time. Sarah was late by human calculations but she delivered a giant in due course. Hannah was late by human timing. However, she at the perfect time by God delivered Samuel and six others. You must realize that God is never late and let it sink into you. Make sure you are faithfully doing your part of the process and you will find out that you were late but not late. Don't ever look for short cut or try to manipulate the times. Some have done that and have become late. Wait for his timing. He is never late and so you will never be late too. 

Reference; I Samuel 1, Daniel 2 v 21, 



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