Young man, I need to warn you of the delicacies of Jacob. It is sweet and the aroma is inviting. You may be caught in the web of it if you draw too close. Beware. They are tempting for taste. The issue of Jacob's delicacy is tracked on appetite. Your appetite must be on watch. You must guard your appetite so that it does not push you to become desperate and then make you request for what will end all you are designed for. Unchecked appetites for food, power, sex and all vices will land you in doom. You must watch it. When you allow your appetite to take the lead, you may end up shapeless and deformed. It will take grace for you to become your best again. Esau was hungry after his game where he got nothing. It was normal for him to be. It was totally normal for him to be hungry. The appetite grew but the delicacy of Jacob was the only offered on the table. The food was good and it was all he needed according to him so that he won't die. You see, young man, your appetite may drive you to think if you don't take the next available item to fulfill it, you will die or miss out forever. It will drive you to make dangerous decision that will alter your formation. Jacob presented his delicacies as a currency for exchange. He had been eyeing the first born right. Mind you, they were born on the same day but Esau came first and by implication has the first born right. Esau has that right and Jacob eyed it. He used Esau's appetite to lure him to step out of that position. The delicacy became his doom. He heard it and echoed it again: my birthright. Esau felt the birthright was not as important as his appetite that needed to be met. He gave in and exchange his future for Jacob's delicacy. Young man beware of the Jacob's delicacies on your path. Don't be pressurized into any decision by the desire to fulfill your appetite. When you become desperate and options that will cause your deformation is on the table, don't give in to such. Its deadly and you may cry when you need what you have exchanged. Esau cried for it but it was gone. He sold it and could not get it back when it was needed. Naboth will die for his father's inheritance than to exchange it with the king for some vineyard or money. Daniel will not allow his appetite for food or king's meat to destroy what God has designed for him. Gehazi failed to trim his appetite for money and he lost what was designed for him. Beware of the delicacies. They may be doom in disguise. 

Reference:  Gen 25, 1Kings 21 



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