There are so much to be grateful for young man. There are countless things that you cannot deny that God has done even though all your desires are not yet met. One way to scale huddles in life and enhances your growth is gratitude. Most young people in their making process give altitude because they are not happening yet. They give altitude especially to God. A man who started with God and expects everything to just be at his beck and call may not be grateful if they are not. You must come to understand that God won't make all things good for you. He will make all things work together for your good. Please read that again young man. All things will not become good. All things will work together for good of you that loves the lord. It is not like you will get a job immediately after school, get cool salary that can take your people away from poverty or relocate abroad. Then, you will see a beautiful lady or man who you will spend the rest of your life with. You will then buy houses and cars, own so much and begin to give to church, people and all. You won't be sick at all. Your promotions will just be coming in due time and all you wished for will just be in place for you. Dude, that is fantasy. You are living in Ethiopia. You must come to realize that life does not work that way. Its not a bad idea to want such graceful events and occurrences in your life while you maintain a cordial relationship with God, but it does not always happen like that. That is the scenario of all things becoming good. However, he makes all things work together for your good. It means when you are on the mountain of successes, God makes it work for your good. When you are in the valley of failure, he is working out his goodness in it. All things work together for your good. Thus, in every moments of your life, be grateful. Express your gratitude to the one who is working all things for your good. Joseph Jacob may have had thought lines like what was x-rayed earlier. He already had the dream. Stars, sun and moon were bowing down to him. He was designed to be great. His package was goodness. He must have thought all will be at his beck and call. Alas, it was not so. He had to go through rough spots to get into his fulfilment. That's the true process and it has not changed young man. However, in all of your journey, learn to be grateful for the little additions in terms of successes, promotions, getting petty jobs that feeds you and all. You must be deliberate in doing this. Acknowledge the goodness of God in trying times too. In everything, give him thanks. It is important for the height you desire to reach in life and what you are becoming. Don't because you have expectation for an ocean and not give thanks for the sea or brook available. The seas will make an ocean one day. Give thanks, you will scale heights you never imagined. If you are faithful in little, much will be committed to your hands. If you are grateful with little, you will get more. A child that give thanks for yesterday's biscuit will enjoy today's bread. Your gratitude enhances your altitude in life. Be grateful to God for his goodness even if all are not joined together yet and you will see them coming to shape together. 

Reference; Roman 8 v 28 Psalm 9 v1, 107 v 21-22 



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