Let me share a very critical issue with you today. It is possible to be good for nothing. It is possible to be talented on nothing. It is possible to be laboring on nothing and ends with nothing. Seriously, the earlier you know that without God you are nothing,  the better for you, young man. The earlier you know that anything you do outside God has no eternal relevance and will fade with time, the better for your becoming. How can you give all your energy to pursue shadow and end up with emptiness? It is extremely possible to give in the best of you to chase what ends in nothing. Watch it dude. You need to know that God is the definition of anything meaningful in your life. Anything outside God is good for nothing. Any achievement outside God is good for nothing. Any wealth and riches gathered outside God is good for nothing. Any certificate, fame and all you may posses that bring you comfort and happiness here without God are good for nothing. Without him you can do nothing. Without God, every of your labor will end in zero and fade away. Ichabod means no glory and its a representation of the departure of God from Israel. Ichabod was born when the ark of God was taken away. His father was killed in battle and the mother declared him as Ichabod. It is extremely possible to be living without life. It is possible to be without Glory. when God is missing in your life young man, you are not more than an Ichabod. The definition of your life is clear; good for nothing. When you place no priorities on the word of God and following his precept, you may be defining all you will amount to; good for nothing. How can you be? Give all of you to God and his purpose. Give all of you to obey him and do his will. You will end well and his glory will shine in your life. Remember Jesus said that when a branch is cut off from the tree, it losses its life and become useless. It does not matter how big it may be, its already good for nothing as detached branch. In your chase for fame, be rooted in God. In your pursuit of wealth and riches, be in God. When you give all your best to be great, remember there is no greatness without the great GOD in you. All you have and posses by trampling on the word and instructions of God are good for nothing. All you acquired by violating God's love and destroying others are good for nothing. Give in all of you to God and you will be GOOD for GOD. You will rejoice at the eternal value of what you are becoming. 

Reference: John 15, I Sam 4v 21,



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