There are decisions you will make young man, that people will feel you are a fool. You will do take certain steps that in reality looks as though you are stupid. Or how do you explain leaving a huge salary from a good company to taking peanut in a secondary school? How do you explain finishing a  PhD in a lucrative course and then leaving to start a mission work? How do you explain leaving a beautiful city to settle in a remote area? How can you turn down an offer just because Holy Spirit told you to do so? Who is Holy Spirit? They don't know him. This is the peak of your walk with God young man. This is when everyone call you stupid and foolish cos your decision doesn't  make sense to any man. The leading of God does not add up initially. Sometimes, it may be on the extreme of foolishness but may I tell you, He has never led anyone astray before. He has never failed any man before. All it takes is your obedience. The wisdom of God is foolishness to this world. It was foolishness for God to make Jesus died to rescue man. Satan felt his death was the end of all the restoration and reconciliation plan. Satan rejoiced that Jesus was killed. He later regretted it that he killed Jesus. God's wisdom is superior to any in any universe. The steps may not look like it physically, but it will round up where it supposed to be. There was no wisdom in not going to war with guns and machineries.  However, God told them to go with weapons of songs. How will you match that? God did his wonder. His wisdom is loaded in his words. The Holy Spirit opens it up to you daily. You have that depth of wisdom no man can fathom but you will be foolish yet wise. Don't be afraid to be called a fool once you are in Christ. Its a signature on your journey. However, they will find out who the real fools are when the journey ends here and hereafter. Once, you have God's verdict on your journey and decision embedded therein, stay with it. You will end well even if you look like a fool to man, you will be the wisest man as the journey unfolds.

 RREFERENCE I Cor 2v 6-8 



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