Young man, you must know the center of your trust. You must be very clear on the object of your faith. Do you have faith in whatever will be will be (fate) or you trust your strength and abilities? Do you have faith in God alone? The reality of your journey becomes clear when this is defined and its crystal clear. You will know whether you will become deformed or you will become what God has designed for you. When your faith is in fate, then be sure you won't amount to anything. When your faith is in God and its tangible, you will surely please him. It is then authenticated that you will become all that he has for you. Where is your trust? What is your faith object? You must learn to make God the center of your faith. Don't just be positive that whatever will be will be. Don't believe that whatever is yours even if lost will come back. I am telling you if your trust is not in God, whatever is yours may never be yours. You may tarry till  forever to be formed and you won't be. You are not positive because you feel things will work out in the end. Faith must must have God as the object of trust. You are not under whatever will be will be. Your faith should be centered on God. You should not be among those who centered their faith of fate. I have repeated those lines so you will know that God must be your focus. He is the author and finisher of your faith. Resting on fate has landed countless youth as causality of failure and unfilled life. You must not depend on fate. Fate has it that Jabez will not amount to anything in life. The circumstances of his birth negated the divine scheme. He could have concluded that his life was meant to be so and died like that. He never did. He was living on fate for years though filled with shame and reproaches. He landed at a point where he switched to the right center. He switched to God. He made God the center of his becoming. He trusted God for whatever he wanted. God responded to faith and  not to fate. He responded to positivity that comes from faith and not that which has its strength drawn from fate. You must not have faith in fate. It is disastrous to do so. Whatever God want to be in your life will be. That is faith. In doing this, you have over come fear.  Fear is the opposite of faith. Faith is trust in God that whatever he says he will do, he will do. Fear is the believe in devil that he is capable of doing what he threatened to do. Fate and fear are brothers. Your fear of becoming average in life will grow once your faith in fate fails you. And Satan feeds on your fear young man. Stay with God. For without faith in him you cannot please God. Once your trust is in God, it does not matter the circumstances or situation you have found yourself, be very sure you will finish well and your later end shall be greater than your past. Your eternal end shall be the greatest of all.

 Reference: Hebrew 11, I Chronicles 4 v 10. TheProcess


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