Young man, there is more to you than you are. Don't rest on your pass success. Don't judge yourself by other's standards. You are ten and the other fellow is two and you feel you have done better by eighth. Well, that may be mathematically correct but it may a deep error in destiny calculus. The man with two may have used all his potent energy to get there and you have given some percent of yours. Its delicate to judge your progress by those around you. Judge it by God's metric. Judge it by God's timetable and deposits. I have seen some young people who take pride in their walk with God because they compare themselves with their neighbor who is to God, doing extremely well. He speaks in tongue you know and the other guy can't yet. He preach the gospel and participate in church whatever and the other guy is still struggling for such. So, he is better and have every right to batter others by his transfiguration testimonial. Well, the young man has built shelter on the transfigured glory. He has cars and the other does not or he has a better one. He has degrees. In fact PhD and the others around him are far from him. Excuse me, the rate at which you compare yourself with others because of the glory you have seen may limit your peak performance and hinder you from becoming the best version of God's design. You must not shelter your transfiguration. Don't try it. There is a higher calling than that. Remember Peter? He was privileged with two other disciples to see a degree of glory that other did not and he wanted to have three shelters to keep Jesus and his guests of glory. He wanted to shelter transfiguration. God raised an alarm after his speech, sent another degree of cloud greater than transfiguration and spoke of another higher assignment for Jesus. The transfigured glory is great but there is something greater. There is something even more desirable. Thus, don't rest on yesterday's success. Don't rest on yesterday's alignment. There is a higher calling. If the shelter was built, what could have happened. May be that could be all they will see.  But they saw Jesus death, they saw Jesus resurrection. They saw supernatural power at work in and through them when they left that Transfiguration mountain to a higher calling. Young man, don't shelter yesterday glory and sleep there. It has come and gone. It has become a reference point and not a settling point. It was a landmark but there are higher mark. Its not bad you can speak in tongue, preach and all. There is a higher calling where God's power flow unhindered in you. A higher calling which drives you better in righteousness and holiness. A place where all eyes will see God in you and say surely, he is *OF* GOD. Don't shelter God's glory, it may be fading like that of Moses. Keep expressing it and moving higher the ladder. You will end only as Jesus Did. 

Reference: Matthew 17. 



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