*More than Conqueror* 

Young man, the battle you are in has been concluded since. Yes, it has been won. Then why am I in it? This may be your next question having that understanding. Well, as you come into the new live in Christ, your battle has been won. You stepped into his victory. You stepped into his ALL. All that Jesus became for your becoming may be replayed. But it is finished already. Young man, your heart must settle this in totally. You must picture and walk in this reality.The debt has been paid.The sickness is already paid for. The victory is CERTAIN. You must walk with that confidence that all the battles you are in now are toothless. They cannot bite you. Yes, they can roar but its nothing. There is a lion in you with the ultimate power. He has conquered all and has declared you as more than conqueror. The storm may be so vehement against you, it won't sink you. The wind and the sea obeys his commands. Learn to speak your victory that had been obtained into existence. The debt may be huge, you will pay all and become a lender to nations. Learn to harvest from the heavenly wealth. God shall provide for all your needs according to his riches in glory. The essence of today's dose is to re-establish and renew your heart of the clear truth around you. You are fighting *from* VICTORY and NOT *FOR* VICTORY.  Thus, you are more than conqueror. One major issue  is that you must nullify you is fear . Do you remember that Gideon captured red Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of their enemy? The two kings were chained already and they couldn't move anywhere. Gideon asked his firstborn to rise and kill them. Yet, he was afraid. The two kings  made fun of the boy. Even after the victory has been delivered into his hands, he was yet fearful. He had sword in his hand but couldn't use it due to fear. They asked Gideon to do it because the strength of the boy is still little. They were tied already. The victory has been attained. All he needed was to finish them off. Cut off their heads and celebrate, yet he was filled with fear. Young man, fear will eliminate all sense of victory already accomplished for you. Rise up and take charge.  Rise up and take control. Don't give in to fear. You are already more than conqueror. Don't allow the enemy to make fun of the labor and victory of Jesus for you. You will know the truth and it will set you free. As you progress in your making process, you will see more battles, relax, its already settled. Just don't give room for fear and you will celebrate as you journey on.  

Reference; Judges 8 



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