How do I encourage you young man? How do I pour out my heart to you about the issue that has caused you to be tired and weary? How do you get strength to march on? You have concluded that only you faces tough time. You are so anxious and worried that your world won't have shape soonest. There is no glimpse of hope any where! Now, you have so much care. Now, you have so much anxiety. Yes, your thoughts have no directions. Your thoughts are heavy to share. You have so much concern. People are already mocking you cos you are of age and no marriage? Family meetings are the least of your worries as they have wiped out your name on any financial needs? In fact, friends and colleagues seems to have deserted you cos any call you make to them is about how you can get help. You have issues best explained by you that have deterred solutions. You are so worried cos there is meaningful job. The little work does not even give enough to you and your family. May be your case is not on the list. Yours may be different. Well, young man, I can categorically tell you that God cares for you. Cast your cares upon him. Care less in his care.Be anxious for nothing but by prayers and supplications, pour out your heart to him. I said you should care less and not for you to become careless. Your anxiety won't solve the problem, it will complicate it. You may develop BP early young man. BP may bring in all manners of diseases. So, stop being too careful about everything. Stop being anxious now. Start to pray. Start to pray. Start to pray and continue praying. When you are thinking no answer has come, pray again. When the problems come to mind, pray. When the care is too much for you, roll it to Jesus. He cares for you. He want you to care less cos with your care you can't proffer any solution to your problem. Just trust in HIM at this time. Hope so fiercely on him. Stay strong in him and your problems will receive solution. The woman with the issue of blood care so much for her self. She was anxious for solution. She became desperate and wanted answer from any one. Several physician used her as lab rat. She may even have become so spiritual that she visits mountain upon mountains for answers. She was of course tired. No sane person won't be. With her condition, she needed answers but she was looking for answers in the wrong places. But one day, she came to talk to herself in this manner; now, I don't even care what happen again, all I will do is to throw all at Jesus. I ain't going anywhere again. She must have spoken to herself in that manner. She came to a point of caring less while Jesus took care of her. And she ended up being cared for. She was relieved of the burden. Young man, worrying will not solve the problem, worrying will waste your money on drugs and increase your BP which may invite other sicknesses.  Becoming someone who care less in God's care means you are not worried or anxious of anything again. Worry no more, your energy will be conserved in Christ to carry out his instructions as he carry your burden by himself. 

Reference:  Philippians 4 v 6-7, Mark 5



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