Young man, I am sure you might have had moments when you sit down alone and wonder why something are so tough for you. You might have sat down and wonder why? If you have correct orientation of the nature of the God you serve, then you return quietly to your secret place. You see, it may even be so tough that when you get in there to pray and pour out your heart to God that you lack words. You feel the pain of that barrenness and stagnancy so much that you become voiceless. You feel it so hard that you could hold a MSc/PhD and struggle to get teaching job in secondary schools. You feel it so hard that with your beauty and worthy characters, purposeful brother seems scare. You feel it that its hard to feed your family. You could feel your current challenging status quo and your words in the place of prayer fades. You lack words and the energy is missing to say something before God. All that you could manage is tears and groaning that you can't explain. It has repeated itself over and over that you are only silent when alone to pray. You are exhausted to the point that you have become VOICELESS. Well, I must tell you that even at that state you are clearly heard. You may be voiceless with no words to describe how much you need God to come through for you, but he knows all you are saying. Your tears and groaning are clearly heard. He is active and not far from you. No, he is right there with you and the answers are on the way. Young man, make sure your voicelessness does not transmit to bitterness. Make sure you are not already drawn away from him in your heart because he seem to be quite or seems not to be acting on your behalf. While it is true you lack words and have become voiceless sometimes in the place of prayers, you must make sure you are in there. Let your heart speak what your mouth cannot. Let your total be on his altar. He will come through for you. Remember Mrs Hannah. She was mocked for being barren for years. Her barrenness changed the narrative of her home. She had to put up with a new wife. Yes, she got so tired. She was tired to the point that she was left with no words before God anytime she appeared. She was voiceless but she was clearly heard. God heard her pain. He can hear yours too. God heard her agony and saw the mockery. He can see yours too. She was always coming to the presence of God even when answer was not forth coming and she lacks words to explain her pain. She was in there. Her answers came. She got her request and God made the child an international reference point to himself. When you are truly voiceless because you have reached the wall and you are exhausted, God can hear you. Stay in his presence. Your answer is at the corner. Be aware of this cos you will need it all along your making process. 

Reference 1Sam 1 



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