Can a young man ever be tired? Can a situation ever cause you to exhaust the strength within you? Is it possible to continue on your progress path with the mountains, huddles and giants to deal with and not be tired? Well, I must tell you  the truth: YOU will be tired. You will be exhausted at some points.  Scriptures is clear that EVEN as a young man whose glory is his strength, you will be weary and you will faint. You will be tired. It is normal. The whose process may exhaust all your energy and your feet becomes  too heavy to lift, your emotions are undefined, and your effort seems defeated and fruitless. Verily, verily, I say unto you that IT IS TOTALLY NORMAL. It becomes abnormal if you throw in the towel. It becomes abnormal if you give up. It becomes abnormal if you don't have where to draw strength again: If you lack the correct source to draw strength from. Those who wait on God shall renew their strength. When you become tired and weary as a young man, what strengthens you is derived from *who* you wait on. If you have waited on a MAN to lift you up, you will definitely crumble. If you have relied on SATAN, you are gone already with the wind. But if you have waited on GOD, your strength will be renewed as that of EAGLES. You will have a new dimension of sight. You will exhibit new strength to mount the mountains, to crush the giants, and to posses your possessions. You will know you are tired when God's word in the midst of challenging time is not clear again. That is, his promises will seems as though they are not real. You may be tempted to seek alternatives. You may find comforting brethren as disturbances. You become weak to pray. God's service is of no maximum interest to you again. These among several others are pointers to your tiredness. That's why you examine yourself daily. That's when you talk to yourself. That's when you need a meeting with the holy Spirit for an empowerment in a fresh way. Don't be tired. In fact you may be doing the right things and putting the right things in place and yet be tired  because of what you are doing. Though it is normal to be tired, its abnormal to stay TIRED. Refresh yourself and  rekindle the energy from within you.  Jesus even got tired while he on his earthly ministry. He asked that the cup be passed over him. An angel came to minister to him after his submission to God's will. Don't remain tired. Refresh your energy in God. 

Reference: Isaiah 40 v 30,, 31 

The Process


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