Young man, everything you seem to pursue is money. Your total goal seems to be clogged round about it. Your daily effort is how to get it or get more. You are in total surrender to anything that will give you additional money. Well, may I tell you what you know? Money is good. Money answers to all things. Money is a form of defense. Money can get you anything you want right? With more money than you have now, you will live larger. You will live better. So, I will say work hard and get good money. Work tirelessly and make wealth. Make sure you have it at your beck and call. Its not inappropriate to have legitimate business and get cool money. Make it multiply and learn how to control it. You see young man, once money takes over the control of your drive and passion, it is sure you become a slave that only through a BIG miracle can you be delivered. Then, you will see the BARRENNESS of money very clearly. Once you let money control your life and decisions, you will become marred and be far from what God has designed you to be. You were designed as a blessing. You may end up becoming people's source of sadness and suicide. You ought to save people based on what God has designed for you. You may end up as the one that ends people's life. Well, young man, you need to know that even fools can gather money and be enormously rich. Typical example was Nabal.  Who is a fool? Someone who claims that there is no God. The godless have enormous money.  Money is already their god. Money controls them and so what can they deliver again? Nothing. They are already barren of anything divine. The more they have, the more they want. They can kill people for money. They can deny thousands of people their daily meal just to get more. They can do rituals for money. They can fake anointing to start a new church for money. They can embezzle for more money. Their belly has become their gods. They need to feed it. But their womb has been made useless. They have become barren. What caused it is  traceable to love of money and giving the control of their life over to money. As plenty as what they have gather could be, they thirst for more. Money can get you so much friends but you can never get you a true one. You can have properties but peace of mind may elude you. You may have titles and all, but joy of fulfilment may be rare. Once you hear and yield to the voice of money because it speaks, you will end up less than what God designed for you. Gehazi obeyed the voice of money. He was controlled by it. He lost sight on his position in God. He lied and all just to have sudden money. It backfired. Money failed him because he missed the total package of God for him. He chased money and lost  his VALUE. He chased what chased him out of divine plan . Once you are the one controlling money and it does not controls you, be sure you will have fruitfulness that money brings all the time. But if money controls you, then you will see its barrenness in all areas of your life. Love of money caused Judas also to be barren of divine grace. He loved money and could do anything to get it. Even if it means selling his master. He started stealing from the box. You see, you will do anything to get money once it has hold one you. Watch it. There are things money can't buy. Grow your money calmly. Young man, don't chase what can chase you out of DIVINE SCHEME.

 Reference: 2King 5 v 20-27 



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