The tragedy in famine period is extremely huge. The period is full of temptations. The period can make a man become a fool. It was so hard that some women killed, cooked and ate their own children in the old testament. See, a man  who claims that he knows what you are really going through during famine must have been in one. Even at  that, the conditions may be extremely different. The tears at night? The lack of food and money to purchase some? The lack of job and the feeling of sadness and all? In short, famine period is not palatable. However, there are always going to be temptations that will draw you away from the present status quo even if it means you go against God. Even if it means you lower the fire of righteousness burning in you. Even if it means you neglect the nudges and instructions of the Holy Spirit. You may be tempted to do anything to ease yourself of the famine. Beware of the dangerous greener pastures. Really, there is no greener pasture anywhere. Those greener pastures were worked on by people. They were manured and you don't even know what made them green. Young man, beware that you don't jump into any opportunities cos of famine. You may be in for what you never prepared for in the opposite direction. Naomi and her husband saw the famine in God's land. They went down to Moab. A land where God had asked them never to associate with. They went in to take solace in the greener pasture. They saw what will keep them alive in that land. It suddenly turned to a land flowing with milk and honey to them. Of course, it was indeed. It met their need temporarily. The husband and her two sons died there. She returned home emptied of all she left with. She even returned home when she heard there was a greener pasture at home. She came back with a new name for herself: Marah which means bitterness. Naomi who was highly referred as pleasant became bitterness because the family went in search of greener pasture. While it is not a bad thing to want to move to a better place of work, and habitation. It is important you don't do it without divine leading. Greener pasture may not be greener in real sense. You know why? You are the pasture once you are in God. Whenever he leads you, you succeed. Whatever land he guides you to, you possess. Not all that look greener on the other side is  even really green at all. Beware young man. Allow his leading ALWAYS and you will be glad in all you go through  under his formation.

Reference: Ruth 1-2 



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