There is one major issue I want you to be wary of young man. It may cause a fundamental damage to who you are  becoming. While it is extremely important for you to value yourself and improve your worth, you must beware that you don't become full of yourself. One extremely dangerous posture you can maintain that will reduce you to nothing is to be proud. Dude, you are just a work in progress and you ain't there yet. Even if you are beginning to be formed into the shape you are designed for, lower your ego and it will safe you hugely in live. There are oceans of things you don't know and you must be calm enough to learn as much as you can. You must be calm enough to undergo the humbling positions. This will aid your lifting so fast in life. God resist the proud and give grace to the humble. Once you are beginning to lay hold on success and its glory is becoming your clothing, don't become full of yourself. You may be full but yet empty. Can I even shock you. You are really nothing without God. You are just an empty jar with nothing to show forth. Its the content God placed in you that made you valuable and away from him you will be FULL yet EMPTY. You will be full of your ego and arrogance yet empty of values. You will be full of money and wealth but empty of eternal purpose. You will be full of certificates but you will be a complete novice in divine assignment and goal. You will be full of beauty and all but empty of character. You will be full of positions but empty of what it take to lead men into promise land. Young man, do you know what will fill you to fullness? Its not far from what filled the Gadarene demoniac. The man was full of demonic activities that drove him to the grave yard. Remember that a man that wanders away from the path of knowledge shall abide in the gathering of the dead. When you are full of yourself, you will despise knowledge and its most possible you will dwell in the camp of the dead. Everything valuable will have been emptied yet you may be full of the operations of evil. There are signals to what is going on with your little achievement that has entered your head. They are pointers to the fact you are loosing true value. So calm down, don't inflate yourself beyond your capacity. Don't inflate yourself beyond what you know. It may be disastrous. You may be deflated in a place you will never recover from. You may be full of nothing really valuable but empty of everything purposeful. Your position of lowliness will help you to learn and acquire more from people rather than inflating your ego. That inflation is dangerous for who you are becoming. Watch it. 

Reference: Mark 5, 



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