Young man, the aim and target of God's process of making you is to develop in you the grace to FINISH strong and well. You must be able to end your assignment here by saying it is finished. You must not be finished before finishing your assignment: you must die empty and not be emptied before finishing your assignment here. Some have been finished at the process stage and so cannot manifest anything when it matters. Every stage is extremely important. Process stage is vital. Manifestation and delivery stage is crucial. Concluding well is EXTREMELY important for you. Thank God for our lord Jesus Christ. Our perfect example. Our firstborn among many brothers. He came to show us the details of God's love and pattern of his interest in purpose fulfilment. He came to reconcile us to the father. It was a tough path for our lord. He had to DRINK a cup of sorrow and pain: agony beyond words of man. All was because of you and I. It was a sacrifice that no other can match till forever. He took our sins and its penalty to Calvary at Golgotha. He paid that huge price. That was the bane of his coming. That was the concluding part of his earthly ministry. He was TIRED at some point. So you can be too. He wanted to let go of the assignment but submitted to the ultimate will of God. You may want to also let go because of the pain in the process. But learn to submit to God's will. Well, young man, if your life is not in alignment with God through Jesus Christ yet, you have to do that right now. If you have no home for him in your heart. Do allow him IN now. That's the only assurance that you can finish WELL. Away from him, you will be FINISHED before FINISHING your assignment here.  Looking steadily to Jesus who authored our faith and also finished its process is the bedrock for ending well. He finished well and announced it that IT IS FINISHED. While the statement is extremely loaded with what he accomplished for humanity, it also talks about his own assignment. He finished well. There was a man who desired to follow him but used burying his dead as the excuse for the delay in doing so. Jesus said the dead should bury their dead.  That's a very strong statement. He meant as long as you don't have a place for Jesus in your heart and life, you are as good as the dead. Well, you are still living, but a living corpse: A finished being. A man could become a carcass while still breathing. The person is emptied of anything purposeful in life. Allow Jesus in your life. Allow his guide and leadership. Obey his words and follow him daily. You will also finish well.  You want to know a  man who has been finished before finishing his assignment here? Jesus is NOT in such life. He is given to sinful life. He is a disobedient follower (King Saul, Judas Iscariot, Delilah..many more). May you not be finished before finishing your assignment here on earth. May you finish well and strong. 

Reference: Matthew 27 

The Process


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