It is certain and mark it that you will make mistake or fall into error sometimes. However, it is not suppose to be your home. You are meant to rise up from it and move forward. Anything lesser than the design of God for you is not your abode. It devalues you. It reduce you and make you a common being who can be lost in the crowd. You want to stand out and stand in God's design for you? Then, rise up from your failure. Rise up from your errors and mistakes. Rise up from your downfall. You cannot stay in there. Young man, you are not perfect but you can walk well with God and be over your mistakes and errors without repeating them. There is high probability that you will make mistake and fall. However, it is extremely wrong to make it a repetitive pattern. You need to know that mistake, error or failure are very definitive over who you are becoming. You may become marred in the hand of the molder and be shaped for second or third fiddle role or purpose. It is wrong to say you won't collapse sometimes into wrong choice, wrong decision or failure in one area or the other. This will definitely have a mark on your journey but you are not to stay in them. You are to move forward and turn them around. Make your mess, a message. Turn your failure to a bedrock of untold success. Nothing is beyond you dude. Dude, what has been your mistake and mess till now? If you sit in them, they will finish you.You made a wrong choice in relationship and its broken? That is not your end. You made wrong career choice entering the university? That doesn't define the best God has for you. You fell into immorality and you kept going down? Rise up and seek help, beat it before you become a loaf of bread. A mighty man can become invalid by falling into the pit of immorality. But you see, you can beat it and get out of it. That's not your end. Look around you. Write down your messes. See what you can do to get out of them. You can't make them a home. You are not there yet. You are a work in progress. They should become a chapter which can be closed and used as reference point in the future. King Saul fumbled and dwelt in it. His mistakes consumed him and totally made his life a MESS. Don't allow your mistake to consume you. Don't give in to perilous guilt. Let your sorrow over the mistake or error lead to repentance or better performance if it concerns failure. The prodigal son made a terrible error that got him away from his father and made him squandered his wealth. He continued in the error to the point of becoming "that boy that feed pigs". He dwelt there and pleaded to get crumbs to eat. Once you dwell in your error,  mistakes and failure, be certain that you won't be able to think straight. And you will be degraded the more. You will continue to be disgraced (distanced from grace). One day, he came to his senses and had a meeting with himself. You need to know how to have a meaningful discussion with yourself. You must be able to see yourself clearly than any other man. He made the decision that his mistake and error will not end his life. He will take a shot at second or lower fiddle in his father's house rather than being a slave of destiny in a strange land. Wrong choices, wrong actions and wrong friends have caused several young people to die as a slave in this strange land. Rise up man. Don't sit in it, don't dwell in it. Don't stay in it. Rise up. King David got up from his fall always. He made several wrong decisions. Once he realized it, he pleaded for mercy and move on never to commit the same error again. Don't sit in your failure or error, rise from it. 

Reference: Luke 15 v11-32,  I Sam 12-15 



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