Fruits are always visible, roots are mostly hidden. Fruits are celebrated, and roots do not have any accolades. Fruits make a tree valuable, roots GIVE it life. While everyone celebrates your fruition which is what the process is aiming at, you need to know that fruit without root is vague. Even with the latest engineering in hydroponic agriculture, roots are still vital for fruitions. The majority of people will celebrate your fruitfulness. Yes, it is normal. But you must know that people will be people. They will only celebrate achievements, records, successes, and expansions. Nobody celebrates failure, nobody celebrates mediocrities. If your roots are not taken downward, bearing fruit upward will be extremely impossible. In your making process, God desires you to grow roots first. What brought the fruits people are celebrating are the nutrients the roots absorb. The root is the source of life for any tree. Your secret hours of daily sacrifice of learning, the huge days of obscurity, the less pay for huge service, the volunteering days, the days when people "use" you not knowing they are building you. The sleepless night of learning, praying, and practicing. The days of improving yourself in learning and adding certifications. The days of making others win while you take the backstage, days of character development which is continuous even at fruition. All these days are to be without compromising your good values and ethics. Verily, I said unto you, your fruits will cheer both God and man. Kings and Queens will honor and celebrate you. This is for young people who need to take a deeper look at life. Take your root deeper than it is now. Go deeper. Do you know why? Some roots bear annual fruits only once, whereas there are roots that bear fruits for longer years like a palm tree. Which one do you want to be? Well, your answer may not be important as your actions. The depth of your root will determine how upward you will fly in life

Reference: Isaiah 37 v 31 

The Process


  1. Growing your root help your fruit to last.

  2. Thank you very much for this master piece, I will keep growing my root, not by words but by action.


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