The circle of people around you has a huge influence on who you are becoming. Remember, we have discussed that you are becoming what you will become. No one became anything suddenly. It's a process. While you are becoming what you will become, you need to know that the friends you keep will have a large influence on you. Let me tell you the bitter truth. You cannot be friends with everyone. An attempt to try it will be the beginning of you becoming a deformed you. It is foolishness to want everyone in your camp and be in the "good" book of everyone. You must learn to select your friends. Even if they select you, you must also check your parameters of judgment to bring such people close. Meanwhile, some people may be colleagues at work and their position must not be more. Some may be mere acquaintances, an attempt to make them more than that will be catastrophic for your dream and goals in life. You dare not discuss details of your life with such. A friend is indeed a deep position for anyone to occupy in your life. Someone who cares for your dream as much as theirs. Someone who is selfless towards you and is devoid of competition with you. Someone who can part with anything for your happiness and who you can similarly do sathe me for. Someone who will defend your course in your absence. Someone who will tell you the truth no matter what. Someone who will chastise you no matter what. Not someone who will celebrate your downfall at any given opportunity. If you will go far, you must check well before bringing people so close to you. You need positive energy in your camp and wrong friends will bring you negative energies which can earn you a place below your true design. See, don't allow anyone to cage you in the guise of religion, you can't be friends with everyone. You must learn how to live peacefully with everyone as much as it is laid on you though. Be intentional in closing some opening of the so-called friends that add no value to you but only subtract from who you are. Beware of friends that counsel you against God, friends that motivate you for evil. Watch your camp and you may and can predict your nearest future. I started an experiment some 8 years back. The majority of my circle then are now PhDs or completing PhDs. It is the truth. Your circle is highly influential on YOU and YOUR BECOMING. Daniel's closest friends were men with similar values and tastes in life. They were men who dictate what happened in their environment and not the other way round. The decision for such wonderful friends paid off. the offer was all TEN times better than other students during their time. It does not matter the VALUE you are, once you allow a zero value friend in your camp, be very sure that you will become that zero by the multiplication effect. I hope you know that relationship is built on a much multiplication effect too. Watch out and take caution as you proceed to be what God design you to be. Whatever it may cost you, dong bring anyone whose values and ideas about life are opposite yours close to your camp. Two cannot work together unless they agree. Look out for godly and goodly friends who want your best as theirs. 

Reference: Daniel 1-3



  1. Choose your friend wisely. What you will become will indeed be mirrored in them.

  2. Thank you very much Dr Adeleke, truly your blog is given me more orientation on the friends I choose to keep.

  3. Wow😲, some mind blowing words and inspiration here.


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