Young man, you have a great responsibility ahead. So you have a great preparation to do. Proper preparations precede glorious manifestations. Your time should be planned. Your activities should be well arranged. Your priorities must be in order. You should know how to balance all you do while taking great and deliberate caution against distractions. Distractions are disastrous ACTIONS. What is distracting you? What actions are you taking that are not necessary for your growth and you have to vehemently stop them? Once your path is known in your making process, beware of taking actions that are dangerous to your progress. Bad friends may be a distraction. Too much sleep may be a distraction. Movies may be. Games may be. "Unnecessary rest" could also be. Your last success may transform into one hell of a distraction. Anything that generates a dangerous and disastrous action from you should be done away with. Distractions will drag you away from your purpose or delay your manifestations. Distraction always brings disgrace. You will fail in realizing your dream and goal. Disgrace simply means distant from grace. Distractions will cause you to be distant from the grace of performance and advancement. You will know your distractions. Anything you are doing that does not have positive addition to your goal and ultimate fulfillment is a distraction. In the days of Hadassah and her contemporary virgins, they were in the palace for a purpose. They were there for 12 months to enhance their beauty and prepare them for the King. The purpose was clear, but the majority of them got distracted. It does not mean they were not doing something. No, they were only doing things that got them out of favor of the judges. They had enough to eat. They had luxury but they were all distractions. Hadassah on the other hand focused on her goal. The ladies were virgins, but that was not enough to carry them into their dreams (Queen of the most powerful nation of that time). They needed to focus. They needed to get away from their distractions. Favor cannot come to a distracted man. Rather, disgrace is their emblem. Stop being distracted. Rise and stay above it.  

Reference:  Book of Esther



  1. From the above its easier to do away with short distraction but 12 months 😲 a whole year with different activities it's not easy, specially when there's a task


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