
Showing posts from October, 2024

Cry Out! That is Your Weapon

Young man, I want to remind you of something crucial as you continue your journey. You must realize that, on your own, you are weak and incapable of achieving anything without God. One of the greatest weapons God has given you to defend yourself and to fight the enemy is the ability to cry out to Him for help. You cannot navigate this world alone, and you cannot win the battles you face by your own strength. Many young men have tried to fight life's battles on their own, only to be destroyed by them. Though they remain alive, they are spiritually defeated. You must learn to call out to God for help, loudly and constantly. You do not have everything figured out. God has said that He sends you out like a lamb among wolves, a powerful image that reveals your deep need for Him. He is not even sending you out as a grown sheep, but as a lamb, young and vulnerable. This signifies your utter dependence on His strength and power to survive the hostile environment around you. David, the son

Embrace the Seasons of Life

 Life, like nature, operates in seasons, and each season demands its own unique preparation, young man. There is the season of cultivation and planting, where efforts and resources are sown. This is followed by the season of nurturing, where the focus is on careful tending, allowing growth to take root. Then comes the season of fruition, a time when the results of past efforts begin to manifest, leading to the season of harvest, where the fruits of labor are gathered. However, the cycle doesn’t end with the harvest. There is also a season for further processing where refinement, transformation, and consolidation take place, shaping what has been harvested into something even more valuable. And then, once again, comes the time for planting: this time at a higher level, enriched by the lessons learned from previous cycles. The process continues, advancing to new stages of growth and opportunity. This cyclical journey mirrors the journey of life and purpose, moving ever forward toward the

Avoid competition, life is not a game

 Life is not a game. Avoid competition. True wisdom lies in learning not to compete with others. It is the hallmark of maturity to understand that life is not a race but a journey tailored uniquely for each person. The moment you perceive everyone as competition, you risk losing the essence of your purpose, chasing fleeting validations of superiority instead of nurturing your true potential. You may find temporary satisfaction in saying, "I am better than him," but in doing so, you could sacrifice the deeper fulfillment that comes from personal growth. Stay focused on your lane. Life has already been designed to reward you when you grow into the version of yourself that you are meant to be. Competing with others blinds you to the wisdom that your journey is not theirs. Each person’s path is a reflection of the unique purpose and gifts they carry, and yours is no different. Competing with your teacher is particularly unwise. Teachers, in life or any field, hold the keys to wis